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제목 - 설명
  • 2024 Reimbursement for National Health Insurance for DTT 2nd

    • 등록일
      2024년 9월 5일
    • 조회수

The national health insurance premium is required to pay the premium for next month on the 25th of the previous month.

All the fellows have payed about 75,290KRW every month.

We will refund the insurance premium you paid.

For the reimbursement, you have to submit the payment details to us.


1. Woori Bank in our campus

① Visit the Bank and show this message to Bank clerks.
“예금 거래 실적 증명서 발급 (거래 명세 – 건강보험 납부 부분만)”


② They will let you write your information on this paper below.
– Period :2024-07-XX (The first date that you paid) ~ 2024-09-XX (The date of the day)


– Your bank account number
– Phone number
– Your name


Bring your ARC and Pay 2,000 won(Maybe) for issuing the document.



If you get the document, please give us via kakaotalk channel or email.

Digital Transformation Technology(DTT) : Ms. Kim hkkim@ssu.ac.kr


DEADLINE : 17:00 PM, 30th of  September, 2024

★ Please issue the document  after confirming that the September 2024 premium will be paid on September 25.


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