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제목 - 설명
  • [2022-2 DTT] Announcement of the class operation

    • 등록일
      2022년 8월 29일
    • 조회수
  • 첨부파일

All lectures will be proceeded by face-to-face lectures, but if the circumstance is not getting well he lectures will be face-to-face.



a) Access U-saint link : https://saint.ssu.ac.kr/irj/portal

-ID: each of your student number (attatched file)/ PW: ‘9’ + 6 digits of resident number (ex. 9851228)

you can change your password.



Smart Campus

 A. How to access
a) Access Smart Campus LMS link : https://class.ssu.ac.kr

– ID/PW is same as U-saint.

b) Click the ‘마이페이지’ -> Click the course you for getting in.
c) Attendance and submission of assignments must meet the deadline stated in the classroom of the Smart Campus.




Lecture Timetable

If you complete 36 out of 42 credits, you are eligible for getting Master degree.

However, the faculty recommends KOSMIC fellows take all these course this semester and choose the lectures at your final semester.


Major Mon Tue Weds Thur
Digital Transformation Technology Cloud Compution ICT Policy Korean Language Technology Policy

& Management

Statistical Analysis and Research Methodology 4th Industrial Revolution and Digital Transformation
Prof. Choi Jaeyoung Prof.Hwang Ki-hyeon Prof. Seol Eun-hye Prof. Hwang Gee Hyun Prof.Lee Myungjin Prof. Kang Hee-yong 
10:00-13:00 15:00 – 18:00 10:00 –13:00  15:00 – 18:00 10:00 –13:00 18:00 – 22:00
Westminster Hall Room 22661 Cho Man-sik Memorial Hall 12202 Westminster Hall Room


Westminster Hall Room 22539 Westminster Hall Room 22432 Vision Hall


22661->6th floor  /   12202-> 2nd floor 

Korean lecture will be proceeded (Since mid-Septembe)—> Don’t forget that it will be on Friday until October 14th.




2022-2 semester : 1st of September ~ 21th of December

(Final Exam Week : 8th of December ~ 14th of December)
(Complimentary Week : 15th of December~ 21th of December)

<Public Holiday of September>
– 9th of September(Fri) ~12th of September(Mon) : Korean traditional day

<Public Holiday of October>
– 3rd of October (Mon) : National foundation day of Korea

-10th of October (Mon) : Hangul proclamation day & School anniversary

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